spiritual malady

Except unlike burning our house down, we can’t go find a new body to live in if we destroy the one God gave us. Here we’re talking about movies, music, websites… Are we on a mental diet of junk food or health food? This isn’t about a legalistic set of religious rules we are required to follow. We dwell on that thought too long, and our desire eventually gives birth to action. And once we take action and put that substance in our system – whether its alcohol, drugs, sugar, or whatever—it sets off a physical craving for more of that substance or activity and we’re caught in a cycle.

Finding the Right Support System

spiritual malady

Addiction is a spiritual disease because it represents an individual’s attempt to disconnect from reality and any sense of spirituality. Simply put, they feel a terrible loneliness at their very soul or center of being. However, this does not mean, necessarily, they’ve abandoned spiritual malady their faith. There are many persons in recovery who are not interested in discussing or even hearing about spirituality. Selfishness and self -centeredness is the root of my trouble. My troubles are of my own making and arise out my living a life run on self-will.

spiritual malady

The spiritual malady and addiction

spiritual malady

Yes, the “allergy” is still there, but one will never be affected as long as they never take that first drink or drug. This is where the concept of the spiritual malady comes in. I have some dear friends who are involved in an organization called Global Information Network and it appears that much of your description tells me this organization is not healthy. I’ve been on a healing journey for 4 years now since “waking up” and I’ve seen a big change in them since meeting them a year ago. It seems as if they are wanting the “high life” with money, mansions, crypto, etc.

  • Also, this is true if we are to heal in Glenwood Springs.
  • After overcoming homelessness and drug addiction, Adam found his life’s purpose in helping addicts find the same freedom he found.
  • Connecting to inner and outer worlds and living by one’s values and purpose are also vital.
  • But alcoholics have an “allergy” to alcohol, so for them, a couple beers turns into a world of hurt.

Understanding the Spiritual Malady in AA and its Impact on Recovery

  • Some people can have one Christmas cookie and they’re good.
  • We are inherently a spiritual species, and yet, we fill the world with so many aspiritual and anti-spiritual constructs and behaviors.
  • In the 12-Step Program, this surrender is crucial for acknowledging our inability to overcome addiction on our own.
  • This is frequently referred to as ‘breed and feed” physiology, although it is clearly much more than just that.
  • The difference with CR is that we specifically acknowledge Jesus Christ as the Higher Power that can restore us.

Understanding spiritual malady and its impact on recovery is essential for anyone battling addiction. This deep-seated sense of disconnection and unrest drives the cycle of addiction and self-destructive behaviors. By addressing this spiritual disease through connection with a higher power, the 12 Steps, and professional help, individuals can find a path to lasting sobriety and holistic healing.

It is completely understandable to want to try to get rid of our suffering – particularly if we’re exhausted and deeply wounded. I believe that everyone in the spiritual community https://ecosoberhouse.com/ needs to understand that trying to “heal” is not always about healing. In fact, often, healing is used as an excuse to deny, suppress, disown, or reject what we’re going through.

  • Threat brings about adaptive physiology and behaviors that prevent sociality and spirituality, but serve us well in a defense.
  • Once a person with AUD takes an alcoholic drink, the body craves more on a physical level.
  • But we saw that it really worked in others, and we had  come to believe in the hopelessness and futility of life as we had been living it.
  • It simply means  we are spiritually blocked off from the Power of God, which enables us to remain sober, happy,  joyous, and free.
  • On page 62 the text explains that “Selfishness-self-centeredness!

Same thing with alcohol; some people can have a couple beers, no problem. But alcoholics have an “allergy” to alcohol, so for them, a couple beers turns into a world of hurt. Some people can have one Christmas cookie and they’re good. But for food addicts—because of their body’s “allergy” to sugar or processed foods—one Christmas cookie leads to a dozen. Those of you who have been in Celebrate Recovery (CR) for a while know that our 12-steps are exactly modeled on the 12 steps of Alcoholics Anonymous. This is a proven process has helped literally millions of people all over the world recover from addictions and compulsive behaviors.

spiritual malady

Addressing the Three-Fold Illness and Other Ways to Heal in Glenwood Springs

spiritual malady

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